Mengenal Seluk Beluk Penerbit Indie

Meeting date: April 14, 2021

Resume to: 5

Theme: Getting to Know the Ins and Outs of Indie Publishers

Speaker: Mukminin S.Pd, M.Pd

Waves: 18

The second day of Ramadan, Wave 18 Writing Learning Training displays the figure of Mukmini, S.Pd; M.Pd presents material or Nara Sumber "Indie Publishers". This meeting was guided by Mr. Bambang Purwanto as moderator.

 Opened by Mrs. Sri Gugiatuti aka Bu Kanjeng with the words "Alhamdulillah at noon today we arrive at the 5th meeting with the resource person who has been on the flyer at noon today." After that immediately invite Om Bams as moderator and Cak Inin as a Resource Person to present the material.

Before allowing the resource person, Om Bams reminded the participants not to forget to write down their name and area of origin when they want to ask questions and questions asked by chatting on his number. That means the questioner doesn't need to or is prohibited from calling the moderator when going to ask a question.

Before greeting the resource person, the moderator first displays the curriculum vitae of Cai Inin.

Beginning with gratitude, the presenter introduced himself by saying "Mr. great teacher, introduce the name of sy Mukminin more akarab dipanggail Caik Inin. I am from SMP I Kedungpring Lamongan East Java. Precisely to the south of the city wingko Babat south 10 km in the direction of jombang city. It is further conveyed that a writer will feel happy and relieved when he manages to write and then publish the book. And very happy when I see his name displayed on the cover of the book, which the books are beautifully displayed on the bookshelf and can be enjoyed by many readers.

Here's the material he delivered:

There are 5 stages that must be passed to be able to write and publish books.

 1 : Pre Writing

The first stage that can be done is the pre-writing stage that the author will start trying to find an idea that fits the theme written. The theme fits the preferred pasion. Both fiction and non-fiction. The idea can be from the experience, from the results of reading books, magazines, newspapers there are events that are ongoing.

2. Drafting / out line

The second stage is drafting or out line, at this stage an author begins to create an out line or table of contents of the book to be written or developed into a book manuscript.

 3. Wraiting / Writing

The 3rd stage is when the author process begins to write and develop a framework or table of contents to be a complete manuscript with the creativity of the author in making his works. Creativity is in the form of the ability to string words, the ability to use majas, the ability to express, in order to create interesting writing read.

4. Revision and Editing


After writing a lot of things that you want to write on the script, the next stage is to start correcting or revising which writings are either listed or not. At this stage, the author will find out where the writing lacks. Whether it's in line, or it's still widening everywhere. And continued the revising stage. A writer can change some parts of his writing. He can also add to the content of his writing. He can add new data, he can eliminate certain opinions, and so on. In essence, through this revision stage the author will polish his work, he will make the writing even more interesting.

After entering the stage


At this stage the author will run the editing process of his work. Different in the revision stage that can still add to reduce the content of the writing, at this stage the author only corrects various punctuation errors, sentence pattern errors, and various other grammatical errors. Although later the writing will be re-edited by the editor at the publisher, an author should still try to edit his own writing or in other terms Self-edit.

5. Publications

The last step is publication. Manuscripts that have gone through the stages of self-editing are manuscripts that are ready for publication. Eventually the author can send it to the publisher. 

 This last stage is the focus of this afternoon's review.

Ready-made manuscripts will be sent to which publisher. It's a classic problem in publishing.

Cak Inin introduced the publisher Kamila Press Lamongan who is ready to publish the books of participants learning to write.

KAMILA PRESS LAMONGAN is one of the many independent or independent publishers spread in many regions in Indonesia.

Book Publishers there are 2 namely Major Publishers and Indie Publishers. More details of the differences between the two are presented in the following table:


Indie Publishers

Major Publishers

Number of Prints

only print books if anyone orders or periodically prints known as POD (Print on Demand) which is generally distributed through online media Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, WA groups etc.

print the book en masse. Usually the first print is about 3000 copies or at least 1000 copies for sale in bookstores.

Selection of Published Manuscripts

Didn't reject the script. As long as the manuscript is a work worthy of publication; does not violate the copyright laws of the work itself, does not plagiarize, and does not offend elements of SARA and pornography, the manuscript must be published. We are a new alternative for writers to post their writing.

The manuscript must go through several stages of procedure before publishing a manuscript. Of course, continuing from the first point, the major publishers mass-printed his book from 1000 to 3000 copies. They are extra careful in choosing the manuscript they will publish and will not dare to risk publishing every manuscript they receive. Major publishers have increasingly stringent conditions, having to follow market tastes, and high levels of rejection.


kami pun profesional, tapi sering disalah artikan. Banyak sekali anggapan menerbitkan buku di penerbit indie asal-asalan, asal cetak-jadi-jual. Sebagai penulis, harus jeli memilih siapa yang akan jadi penerbit Bapak Ibu dan Saudara-saudara. Jangan tergoda dengan paket penerbitan murah, tapi kualitas masih belum jelas. Mutu dan manajemen pemasaran buku bisa menjadi ukuran penilaian awal sebuah penerbitan. Kadang murah Cover kurang bagus, kertas dalam coklat kasar bukan bookpaper ( kertas coklat halus). Kami jaga mutu Cover bagus cerah mengkilat isi buku kertas cokal halus awet ( bookpapar).

Penerbit mayor tentu saja profesional dengan banyaknya dukungan SDM di perusahaan besar mereka.

Waktu Penerbitan

Of course differently we will immediately process the manuscript that we received quickly. In a matter of weeks your book will be published. Because indeed, we do not focus on the tastes of this and that much demanding market. We publish works whose authors believe they are the best and worthy of publication so we don't have any complicated considerations in publishing books.

Generally, a manuscript received or not will be confirmed within 1-3 months. If the manuscript is accepted, there is a turn or time of publication that can be fast, but some are up to many years. Since major publishers are large publishers, there are so many workflows they have to go through. Grateful that books can be quickly distributed in all bookstores. However, if within the specified time the sales of the book do not meet the target, then the book will be released by the distributor and withdrawn by the publisher.


generally 15-20% of the book price. Marketed and sold by authors via fb, Instagram, wa group, Twitter, status, etc.

most major publishers charge author royalties a maximum of 10% of total sales. It is usually sent to the author after reaching a certain number or after 3-6 months of book sales.

Publishing costs

Paid according to the rules of each publisher. Each publisher is different. Because the service and quality of the published book is not the same.

Publishing fees are free. That's why they can't just publish a book even if it's rated good by them. As mentioned above, major publishers have a lot of consideration and demands to publish a book because if the book does not sell, the loss is only on the part of the publisher.

Publisher example



Kamila Press Lamongan

Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Mizan, Republika, Grasindo, Loka Media, Tiga Serangkai, Bentang Pustaka, Erlangga, Yudhistira, Andi Yogyakarta and others.


One indie publisher introduced to the participants was kamila press lamongan publisher. Cak Inin very convincingly stated that Do not worry, now you can publish the book independently kok. There are many independent publishers (Indie publishers) ready to help you to publish a manuscript or writing that is ready to be published.

The interesting thing in this Kamila Press publisher is the facilities it offers in the form of obtaining facilities to create book covers, layouts, edits and ISBN can also PO ( Pre Order) books / book promos with the price and can be certificates from publishers who cooperate with printing.

So palajaran in the class Learn to Write This Afternoon.

Accompanied by prayers that all learners in class learn to write wave 18 can immediately have a book of their own work, I end this resume by saying Hamdalah ... Alhamdulillah Rabbil Aalamiin.


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